Pivots That Helped Businesses Through The Pandemic Have Endured Ejob Insight

Pivots That Helped Businesses Through the Pandemic Have Endured

In the midst of the pandemic, many businesses had to pivot in order to survive. And while some of these changes were merely temporary solutions, others have proven to be enduring and even profitable. One such example is Glenlore Trails, an immersive venture created by Scott and Chanel Schoeneberger on the outskirts of Detroit. What started as a way to get through the pandemic has now become a significant part of their business, accounting for 6 percent of their income and with expectations of reaching 25 percent within the next five years. This article explores how these unexpected pivots have not only helped businesses survive, but thrive in the face of adversity.


The impact of the pandemic on businesses has been significant and has required many to make drastic changes in order to survive. The need for pivots, or strategic shifts in business models or strategies, has become crucial in navigating the challenges brought about by the pandemic. In this article, we will explore various examples of how businesses have successfully pivoted and adapted to the changing landscape.

Glenlore Trails – A Unique Pivot

One example of a successful business pivot is Glenlore Trails, an immersive outdoor experience created by Scott and Chanel Schoeneberger. In the midst of the pandemic, they decided to create an unusual half-mile hike through an illuminated forest as a way to offer people an escape from their homes. The response from visitors exceeded their expectations, with tickets being sold out within a week of its launch. What started as a way to get through the pandemic has now become a significant part of their business, contributing to 6 percent of their company's income. They anticipate that it will account for 25 percent within five years.

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Pivots That Helped Businesses Through The Pandemic Have Endured

Online Retail Boom

The pandemic has accelerated the shift from physical stores to online platforms, resulting in a boom in online retail. E-commerce sales have seen a significant increase as more people turn to online shopping for their needs. This shift has emphasized the importance of digital and search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure businesses can stand out and attract customers in the crowded online marketplace.

Remote Work Revolution

The pandemic has forced businesses to transition to remote work setups in order to prioritize the health and safety of their employees. This shift has brought about advantages such as increased flexibility, reduced commuting time, and improved work-life balance. However, it has also presented challenges in effectively managing remote teams and ensuring productivity. To overcome these challenges, there has been an increased adoption of communication and collaboration tools that allow for seamless remote collaboration and efficient team management.

Pivots That Helped Businesses Through The Pandemic Have Endured

Virtual Events and Conferences

In-person events and conferences faced significant disruptions due to the pandemic. In response, many businesses and organizations made a pivot towards hosting virtual events. Technological tools have played a crucial role in enabling the seamless hosting of virtual conferences, with features such as real-time video streaming and interactive engagement options. This shift has provided new opportunities for businesses to reach a global audience and has also resulted in cost savings compared to traditional in-person events.

Diversification of Product and Offerings

In order to adapt to the challenges posed by the pandemic, many businesses have diversified their product and offerings. This includes expanding into new product categories and adding complementary services to their existing offerings. By diversifying their offerings, businesses can reduce their reliance on a single revenue stream and mitigate the risks associated with market fluctuations.

Pivots That Helped Businesses Through The Pandemic Have Endured

Embracing Contactless Payments

The pandemic has accelerated the popularity of contactless payment methods, with consumers prioritizing hygiene and convenience in their transactions. Businesses have recognized the benefits of contactless payments, which not only provide a safer payment option but also streamline the purchasing process for customers. Integration with mobile payment apps has further enhanced the convenience and ease of contactless payments, allowing businesses to provide a seamless and efficient payment experience for their customers.

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Enhanced Health and Safety Measures

Implementing strict hygiene protocols and investing in protective equipment has become crucial in building customer trust and confidence. Businesses have adopted stringent measures to ensure the health and safety of both their employees and customers. By prioritizing health and safety, businesses can instill a sense of trust and loyalty among their customer base, which is essential for long-term success.

Pivots That Helped Businesses Through The Pandemic Have Endured

Adoption of Automation and AI

Automation has played a vital role in streamlining business processes and improving . The pandemic has highlighted the need for businesses to embrace automation technologies to reduce costs and enhance operational . Additionally, the integration of AI technologies for data analysis has provided businesses with valuable insights and the ability to make data-driven decisions. By leveraging automation and AI, businesses can stay competitive and ensure long-term sustainability.

Community Support and Social Responsibility

Engaging with local communities and supporting charitable causes has become even more important during the pandemic. Businesses that have prioritized social responsibility have not only contributed to the well-being of their communities but have also built strong brand loyalty among their customers. By actively participating in community support initiatives, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to making a positive impact and foster a sense of shared responsibility.

In conclusion, the pandemic has presented businesses with unprecedented challenges, but it has also offered opportunities for innovation and adaptation. By embracing pivots and implementing strategic changes, businesses have been able to not only survive but thrive in the face of adversity. Whether through unique experiences, online retail, remote work, virtual events, diversification, contactless payments, health and safety measures, automation and AI, or community support, businesses have demonstrated resilience and the ability to evolve. As we continue to navigate the post-pandemic world, these pivots will continue to shape the future of business and drive success in the ever-changing landscape.

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Pivots That Helped Businesses Through The Pandemic Have Endured

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