Restaurant Chain Franchises Face Scrutiny From The Ftc 1 Ejob Insight

Restaurant Chain Franchises Face Scrutiny From the FTC

In the article “Restaurant Chain Franchises Face Scrutiny From the FTC,” concerns about the disclosure of business risks in franchise contracts are brought to light. Burgerim, a start-up chain of restaurants, serves as a prime example of the challenges faced by franchisees. Kenneth Laskin, a prospective franchisee who initially felt like part of a family, now finds himself dealing with problems and a lawsuit by the Federal Trade Commission. As franchising continues to grow as a popular way for individuals to start small businesses, questions arise about whether enough protection is given to franchisees like Mr. Laskin.

Restaurant Chain Franchises Face Scrutiny From The Ftc

Table of Contents


Franchises have become a popular business model in various industries, including the restaurant industry. With the growth of franchising, there are both benefits and risks associated with restaurant franchise ownership. One case that highlights the challenges faced by franchisees is the story of Burgerim, a restaurant chain that has faced problems and lawsuits. The case has also brought attention to the importance of franchise disclosure and the need for stronger franchisee protection laws. This article will explore the issues surrounding franchise ownership in the restaurant industry, the role of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in regulating franchises, recent actions taken by the FTC against restaurant chain franchises, proposed reforms and solutions, the impact on the franchise industry, and the importance of consumer awareness and education.

Overview of Franchises in the Restaurant Industry

Franchising as a popular business model

Franchising has become a popular business model in the restaurant industry because it offers a way for entrepreneurs to start their own business with the support and brand recognition of an established franchise. Franchisees benefit from the established systems, marketing strategies, and training provided by the franchisor. This can reduce the risk and increase the chances of success compared to starting a restaurant from scratch.

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Growth of franchising in the restaurant industry

In recent years, franchising in the restaurant industry has experienced significant growth. Many well-known restaurant chains, such as McDonald's and Subway, primarily operate through franchising. This growth can be attributed to factors such as the desire for business ownership, the appeal of established brand recognition, and the potential for high profitability.

Benefits and risks of restaurant franchise ownership

Restaurant franchise ownership offers several benefits, including access to a proven business model, brand recognition, marketing support, and ongoing training and support from the franchisor. However, there are also risks involved. Franchisees are required to pay upfront fees and ongoing royalties to the franchisor, which can impact profitability. Additionally, franchisees must adhere to strict operational and branding guidelines set by the franchisor, limiting their ability to customize their business. Furthermore, if the franchisor faces or legal issues, it can have a significant impact on franchisees' businesses.

The Case of Burgerim

Kenneth Laskin’s experience with Burgerim

Kenneth Laskin, a franchisee of Burgerim, initially believed that he was being offered an attractive opportunity to open multiple franchised restaurants in Oregon. He paid $50,000 for the rights but later faced financial difficulties due to various issues faced by Burgerim. Laskin's experience is not unique, as other franchisees have also encountered challenges and financial setbacks.

Financial problems and lawsuits faced by Burgerim

Burgerim has faced financial problems and lawsuits, including a lawsuit by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Reports have indicated that Burgerim misled franchisees about the prospects of success and failed to provide adequate support. The franchise has also faced accusations of deceptive business practices, including failing to disclose important financial information.

Regulatory scrutiny of Burgerim’s franchise practices

Burgerim's case has drawn attention to the need for regulatory scrutiny of franchise practices, particularly in the restaurant industry. The company's alleged deceptive practices have raised concerns about the level of protection provided to franchisees and the need for increased transparency and disclosure in franchise agreements.

Franchise Disclosure and Protection

Importance of clear and comprehensive franchise disclosure

Clear and comprehensive franchise disclosure is essential to ensure that potential franchisees are fully aware of the risks and obligations associated with owning a franchise. Franchise disclosure documents should provide detailed information about the franchisor's financial health, litigation history, and any potential risks that franchisees may face.

Existing regulations and guidelines for franchise disclosure

Currently, there are regulations and guidelines in place to govern franchise disclosure. In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires franchisors to provide a Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) to potential franchisees. The FDD contains important information about the franchisor, including financial statements, litigation history, and franchisee obligations.

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Potential gaps in franchisee protection

Despite existing regulations, there may be potential gaps in franchisee protection. Some critics argue that the disclosure requirements are not extensive enough, and franchisees still face significant risks and uncertainties. Some franchise agreements may contain clauses that limit franchisees' legal rights, making it difficult for them to take legal action against franchisors in case of disputes.

Restaurant Chain Franchises Face Scrutiny From The Ftc

The Role of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Overview of the FTC’s role in regulating franchises

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) plays a crucial role in regulating franchises in the United States. It oversees and enforces franchise disclosure laws to protect potential franchisees from deceptive practices. The FTC ensures that franchisors provide accurate and complete information to potential franchisees, allowing them to make informed investment decisions.

FTC’s investigation into Burgerim

The FTC conducted an investigation into Burgerim's business practices and filed a lawsuit against the franchise. The investigation found evidence of deceptive practices, including misleading financial performance representations and inadequate support provided to franchisees. The lawsuit seeks to hold Burgerim accountable for its alleged violations of franchise laws.

FTC’s efforts to enforce franchisee protection

Apart from the Burgerim case, the FTC has been actively working to enforce franchisee protection. It monitors franchise advertising and disclosure practices, investigates complaints, and takes legal action against franchisors who engage in deceptive or unfair practices. The FTC's goal is to ensure that potential franchisees have access to accurate and reliable information to make informed investment decisions.

Recent FTC Actions Against Restaurant Chain Franchises

FTC investigations and lawsuits targeting restaurant chain franchises

The FTC has conducted investigations and filed lawsuits against various restaurant chain franchises. These actions are aimed at addressing deceptive practices, inadequate disclosure, or unfair treatment of franchisees. By targeting well-known restaurant chains, the FTC seeks to send a message that franchise violations will not be tolerated.

Penalties and settlements imposed on franchisers

As a result of the FTC's actions, franchisers have faced significant penalties and settlements. These penalties can include monetary fines, restrictions on business , and required changes to franchise practices. The FTC aims to hold franchisers accountable for their actions and ensure that franchisees are adequately protected.

Impact on franchise industry practices

The actions taken by the FTC against restaurant chain franchises have had a significant impact on the practices within the franchise industry. Franchisors have become more cautious in their disclosure practices and are more likely to provide accurate and comprehensive information to potential franchisees. This has led to increased transparency and improved protection for franchisees.

Restaurant Chain Franchises Face Scrutiny From The Ftc

Proposed Reforms and Solutions

Calls for stronger franchisee protection laws

Given the challenges faced by franchisees and the potential gaps in current regulations, there have been calls for stronger franchisee protection laws. These proposed reforms aim to provide franchisees with additional legal rights and remedies in case of disputes and to ensure that franchisors provide accurate and transparent information.

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Proposed changes to franchise disclosure requirements

Proposed changes to franchise disclosure requirements include increasing the scope and depth of information that franchisors must disclose to potential franchisees. This would provide franchisees with more comprehensive insights into the financial health and performance of the franchisor and any potential risks involved.

Role of industry associations in promoting ethical franchising

Industry associations play a crucial role in promoting ethical franchising practices. These associations can develop and enforce ethical standards for franchisors, provide education and training for franchisees, and facilitate communication and collaboration between franchisors and franchisees. By promoting ethical franchising practices, industry associations can contribute to a more sustainable and fair franchise industry.

Impact on Franchise Industry and Potential Consequences

Loss of investor confidence in franchise business opportunities

The challenges and controversies surrounding franchising, particularly in the restaurant industry, may lead to a loss of investor confidence in franchise business opportunities. Potential investors may become more cautious and skeptical about franchising, leading to a decrease in the number of individuals willing to invest in franchises. This could impact the growth and sustainability of the franchise industry.

Legal and financial consequences for franchisers

Franchisers who engage in deceptive practices or fail to provide adequate support could face significant legal and financial consequences. Lawsuits and settlements can result in monetary penalties, damage to the brand's reputation, and restrictions on business . Franchisers may also face difficulties attracting new franchisees and maintaining the loyalty of existing ones.

Changes in franchisee-franchiser dynamics

The controversies surrounding franchise ownership may lead to changes in the dynamics between franchisees and franchisors. Franchisees may demand greater transparency, more favorable contract terms, and increased support from franchisors. Franchisors, on the other hand, may need to rethink their business practices and ensure that they prioritize franchisee success and compliance with regulations.

Restaurant Chain Franchises Face Scrutiny From The Ftc

Consumer Awareness and Education

Importance of educating potential franchisees

Educating potential franchisees is crucial to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the risks, obligations, and potential rewards associated with owning a franchise. Potential franchisees should be aware of the importance of thorough due diligence, financial analysis, and legal advice before entering into a franchise agreement.

Resources for understanding franchise agreements and risks

There are various resources available to help potential franchisees understand franchise agreements and the associated risks. These resources include franchise disclosure documents, legal advice, industry publications, and educational programs offered by industry associations. It is essential for potential franchisees to utilize these resources and seek professional advice to make informed decisions.

Role of consumer advocacy groups in raising awareness

Consumer advocacy groups play a vital role in raising awareness about the risks and issues associated with franchise ownership. These groups can provide support and guidance to franchisees who have faced challenges, advocate for stronger franchisee protection laws, and educate the public about the potential pitfalls of owning a franchise. By raising awareness, consumer advocacy groups can help potential franchisees make more informed decisions.


Franchise ownership in the restaurant industry offers both benefits and risks. The case of Burgerim highlights the challenges faced by franchisees and brings attention to the need for stronger franchisee protection and comprehensive franchise disclosure. The Federal Trade Commission plays a crucial role in enforcing franchisee protection laws and has taken actions against restaurant chain franchises that engage in deceptive practices. Proposed reforms aim to strengthen franchisee protection laws and improve franchise disclosure requirements. The impact of the controversies surrounding franchising may lead to changes in the franchise industry dynamics and the need for increased consumer awareness and education. By understanding the risks and taking necessary precautions, potential franchisees can make more informed decisions and increase their chances of success in the franchise industry.

Restaurant Chain Franchises Face Scrutiny From The Ftc

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