Facebook Ad Buyer for PIP University’s High Ticket Coaching Program

Hi! We're looking for a Facebook Ad Buyer with expertise in managing high ticket funnels for PIP University's High Ticket Coaching Program. Our goal is to greatly expand our reach and attract ideal salon owners from around the world. As our top priority, this role involves ad buying and funnel strategy and management. If you have experience in paid ads, funnel optimization, and analyzing metrics, then stay with us to learn more about this exciting opportunity. We value autonomy, innovation, and being part of a forward-thinking team. If this sounds like a perfect fit for you, keep reading to find out how you can join our team and make a significant impact in the industry.


Ad buying

As the Facebook Ad Buyer at PIP University, your primary responsibility will be managing and optimizing the ad buying process. You will use your expertise to create and implement effective ad campaigns that drive qualified leads and generate sales. This includes selecting the right audience, creating engaging ad content, and optimizing bidding strategies to maximize return on ad spend. Your goal is to ensure that the cost per lead remains below $80 and that the ads consistently deliver a positive return on ad spend.

Funnel strategy and management

In addition to ad buying, you will also be responsible for developing and managing the funnel strategy for PIP University's high ticket offer. This involves identifying and refining the steps in the customer journey, from the initial ad click to booking a call. You will need to continuously optimize the funnel to improve conversion rates and reduce the cost per booking. Your goal is to achieve a cost per booking below $200, with a focus on attracting qualified salon owners whose revenue is $20k+ per month.


Paid ads on Facebook and Instagram

Since 2019, PIP University has primarily relied on paid ads on Facebook and Instagram as its channel. This has proven to be an effective way to reach salon owners and generate high-quality leads. As the Facebook Ad Buyer, you will be responsible for managing and optimizing the paid ad campaigns on these platforms. You will need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in digital advertising to ensure that the ads remain engaging and effective.

Facebook Ad Buyer For Pip Universitys High Ticket Coaching Program

Expansion Goals

10X growth over the next 3 years

One of the key expansion goals for PIP University is to achieve 10X growth over the next three years. This ambitious target requires a strategic approach to ad buying and funnel management. You will play a crucial role in achieving this growth by scaling ad spend, improving ad performance, and maximizing the return on investment. Your expertise in ad buying and funnel optimization will be instrumental in driving the growth of the business.

Simplified funnel process

Another goal for PIP University is to simplify the funnel process. The current strategy involves attracting salon owners with compelling ads, directing them to a video sales letter, and then booking a call. The aim is to make this process as straightforward and streamlined as possible to improve conversion rates and increase the number of qualified leads. As the Facebook Ad Buyer, you will take ownership of the entire funnel process and work towards simplifying it while maintaining its effectiveness.

Ideal Candidate Profile

Autonomous and innovative

The ideal candidate for the Facebook Ad Buyer role at PIP University is someone who is autonomous and innovative. You should be able to work independently and take ownership of your work. You will have the freedom to implement your ideas and strategies, and your innovative thinking will be crucial in driving the success of the ad campaigns and funnel optimization.

Thrives in a collaborative environment

Although you will have autonomy in your work, you should also thrive in a collaborative environment. PIP University values teamwork and encourages collaboration among its team members. You will be working closely with the Director of Sales and the rest of the team. Your ability to work effectively in a team, communicate openly, and share ideas will contribute to the overall success of the efforts.

Experienced in agency work

Experience in agency work is highly desirable for the Facebook Ad Buyer role at PIP University. Agency experience provides valuable insights into different industries, strategies, and best practices. It also demonstrates your ability to adapt to dynamic environments and quickly learn new technologies and tools. Your previous experience in agency work will give you a solid foundation to excel in this role.

Not reliant on day-to-day guidance

As the Facebook Ad Buyer, you will be expected to take ownership of your work and make independent decisions. The ideal candidate is someone who is not reliant on day-to-day guidance and can proactively seek solutions and take action. You should have the ability to prioritize tasks, manage your time effectively, and handle multiple projects simultaneously. Your self-motivation and initiative will contribute to your success in this role.

Facebook Ad Buyer For Pip Universitys High Ticket Coaching Program

Core Areas of Ownership

Meta Ad Buying

As the Facebook Ad Buyer, your core area of ownership will be meta ad buying. This involves managing and optimizing the paid traffic funnel. Your expertise and experience in ad buying will be crucial in achieving a 2.5X+ return on ad spend (ROAS) each month. You will be responsible for reducing key metrics like cost per thousand impressions (CPM), cost per click (CPC), and cost per lead (CPL) to their lowest possible levels. Your resourcefulness, risk-taking abilities, and creative campaign structures will contribute to the success of the ad buying process.

Funnel Optimization

Another core area of ownership for the Facebook Ad Buyer is funnel optimization. You will be responsible for ensuring that the funnel is highly efficient and effective in converting leads into bookings. This includes identifying bottlenecks, making data-driven decisions to optimize the funnel, and implementing changes to improve performance. Your goal is to achieve a cost per booking (CPB) below $200, with a focus on attracting qualified salon owners. Your attention to detail, analytical skills, and ability to make informed decisions based on data will be crucial in optimizing the funnel.

Tracking and Reporting

Tracking and reporting play a vital role in the success of any marketing campaign. As the Facebook Ad Buyer, you will be responsible for tracking and reporting on key metrics related to ad performance, funnel conversion rates, and profitability. You will maintain accurate and up-to-date tracking of all relevant data, ensuring that the team has access to the information they need to make informed decisions. Your ability to analyze data, identify trends, and provide actionable insights will contribute to the overall success of the marketing efforts.

Success Metrics

One of the success metrics for the Facebook Ad Buyer role is achieving a qualified cost per lead (CPL) below $80. This metric measures the of the ad campaigns in generating high-quality leads. By optimizing the ad targeting, content, and bidding strategies, you will strive to keep the CPL below the target threshold.

Another success metric is achieving a cost per booking (CPB) below $200. This metric measures the effectiveness of the funnel in converting leads into bookings. Your funnel optimization strategies, including ad content, landing pages, and conversion rate optimization, will be key in achieving this target.

Accurate and up-to-date tracking

Accurate and up-to-date tracking is essential for measuring the success of the marketing efforts. As the Facebook Ad Buyer, you will be responsible for maintaining accurate tracking of all relevant metrics and ensuring that the data is up to date. This includes tracking metrics such as CPM, CPC, CPL, ROAS, and conversion rates. Your attention to detail and commitment to accurate tracking will ensure that the team has access to timely and reliable data.

Facebook Ad Buyer For Pip Universitys High Ticket Coaching Program

Primary Goal

Profit generated from paid marketing funnel

The primary goal of the Facebook Ad Buyer at PIP University is to generate profit from the paid marketing funnel. Your success will be measured by the profitability of the ad campaigns and the effectiveness of the funnel in generating revenue. By optimizing the ad performance, minimizing costs, and improving conversion rates, you will contribute to the overall profitability of the business.

Primary KPIs


One of the primary key performance indicators (KPIs) for the Facebook Ad Buyer is return on ad spend (ROAS). This metric measures the profitability of the ad campaigns by comparing the revenue generated to the ad spend. Your goal is to achieve a consistent ROAS of 2.5X or higher each month.

# of units sold and CAC

The number of units sold and customer acquisition cost (CAC) are also important KPIs for the Facebook Ad Buyer. You will be responsible for driving sales and minimizing the cost of acquiring new customers. By optimizing the ad campaigns and the funnel, you will strive to increase the number of units sold while maintaining a low CAC.

Booking 35 calls per week

Another primary KPI is booking 35 calls per week at a cost of $200 each. This metric measures the effectiveness of the funnel in generating high-quality leads and bookings. By optimizing the ad campaigns and the funnel, you will aim to consistently achieve this target.

Facebook Ad Buyer For Pip Universitys High Ticket Coaching Program

Team Collaboration

Close work with the Director of Sales

As the Facebook Ad Buyer, you will work closely with Samantha, the Director of Sales. You will collaborate on aligning marketing efforts with sales goals and ensuring that the ad campaigns and funnel support the overall sales strategy. Your collaboration with the Director of Sales will be crucial in driving the success of the marketing and sales efforts.

Collaboration with the entire team

In addition to working closely with the Director of Sales, you will also collaborate with the entire team at PIP University. The company values a collaborative and supportive work environment, and your ability to work effectively with your teammates will contribute to the overall success of the business. You will have the opportunity to share ideas, provide feedback, and contribute to the growth and improvement of the marketing efforts.


Apply via link on We Work Remotely

To apply for the Facebook Ad Buyer position at PIP University, please visit the following link on We Work Remotely: Apply here. We look forward to receiving your application and learning more about your experience and qualifications.

Facebook Ad Buyer For Pip Universitys High Ticket Coaching Program

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